Brainy Quote

Monday, June 27, 2016

Stop Complaining!

Hi Friends,

There are people we know who like to keep complaining about how life has been tough on them. They complain about work, their husband and wife, their children, their in-laws, their brother and sister, friends, etc. They can never be satisfied until they complain about something. Sometimes they are looking for sympathy and for people to feel pity for them. But when you keep hearing over and over again, it gets very tiring and I am sure people are tired of hearing about it. It not drains their energy but also saps your energy because of their negativity.

Take for example children. We were kids once. We never liked when our parents or teacher scolded us even if we were in the wrong most of the time and which is why we get scolded. We also would not liked to be embarrassed by our parents in front of our friends and relatives. The more we complained about them the more they will rebel. This becomes a vicious cycle.

The Internet and hand phone has changed the way children grow up. They are exposed to things at a earlier age. They watch YouTube and have Facebook and Instagram accounts. They post videos of the cool things like "Kandama" and "Marvel Comics" and follow the stars. It is very difficult to keep track of what they do but that does not mean we stop trying. They also watch movies that give them ideas about how to rebel. I saw a cartoon - "Alvin and the Chipmunks" teaching how to kiss and kids less than 10 years old are watching this. In another show, the parents were having a conversation about how they wished they did not have a kid so that they could have the rich lifestyle like their neighbor. The child took it the wrong way and ran off only to realize that he can't live on his own. When he came back parents were crying that he was missing and they were worried. The point is kids could learn from such shows and maybe never come back. There may never be a happy ending if we keep pushing them away.

So, we need to be tactful about how we deal with children. Children these days lack resilience (first thing when they face a life challenging problem is to give up or commit suicide instead of looking for solutions), something which we need to teach them. Stop complaining and start looking each complain objectively especially when it comes to our children.

Hence, it is important to change and be a better more positive person and life will be happier and people around you:

1) Watch how we carry ourselves on a daily basis. If you feel the urge to complain, stop and count to 10. Don't look for people to pity you. That won't make you better. It will only reinforce your problem. How you deal with your situation will make you better and happier.

2) Instead, complement someone sincerely be it your child or friend or colleague sincerely if they deserve it (its not flattery). There are some redeeming features in everyone. Praise your kids more often in front of others and complain less and see the change. Punish them in private and praise them in public if they deserve it. Both parents must work together as a team when dealing with children.

3) Learn to look at glass as being half full, instead of being half empty. Things are not as bad as you think. You have a family, friends, a job and you are able to walk, see and talk. Ask "NickVujicic" how he deals with life without any hands or legs. He is an inspiration to all of us. Learn from him. Stop Complaining!!!!!!

4) Be grateful for the gifts you have in your life. Your children are a gift as there are many couples who are unable to have kids. You have a job. Many people out there do not know where to find their next meal for themselves and their children. You have a home and family but some people live on the streets and rain or shine, that is their home.

5) Be POSITIVE and THINK POSITIVE things. List down all the positive things you have or enjoyed in your life. Write positive things about each of your child. You may see that your child is not that bad. Sometimes with love, care and guidance the child may become a better person later in life.

Whatever the case learn to listen to your child's inner needs so that he will listen to you. If a child disobeys, its because they feel that their needs are not answered.

If it is about work that you complain, then see what can be done to change the situation. Attend a new course and change your job. Don't quit without a job in hand as the world economy is not in a good state and hence, finding a new job may be difficult. There are options available to all of us. Question is, are we ready to choose those options? Change may be a good thing. You may complain less!

Stop Complaining! Start Enjoying the things you have in your life!

Have a Great Day!
