Brainy Quote

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Resolutions for 2008?

This is a favourite subject of mine. You need goals/targets/objectives to keep you focussed on what you want out of life. Hence, "Resolutions" are a great way to achieve your goals much like how companies try to achieve revenue and profit goals. Don't just think of "New Year Resolutions" because you will forget them after a week ot two. Write them down.

Its now February 2008. The Year of the Rat is here. How many of you are still at it...I mean trying to achieve your goals? How many of you out there have written them down. Or have you forgotten your so called New Year Resolutions?

Let me make a suggestion. Make Resolutions for 2008, not new year resolutions because the year is still with us. You are supposed to write them down and look at them at least once or twice a week. Place a copy in your wallet, in your PDA, in your PC/laptop, etc. I keep a book and I have been able to see which goals I have achieved and they have worked for me and which I need to continue to work on.

What are some of the goals you can set?

1) Lose weight-By how much? 5kg? 10kg? What steps are you going to take? Join a gym? Run 3x a week for half and hour? Swim? Cycle? Play Tennis? Eat healthier? Don't diet. Eat only what you require. Too much of anything is bad. Cut down on Alcohol? A beer or two is fine but to drink till you throw up or have a hang over...that is sad. Common on grow up. Remember, there are people out there who can't even get decent meal. Donate some of the money to "World Vision" or "Children's Society". By cutting down alcohol binging, you can help the poor by donating that money and it will go some way to help you reduce your weight becuase you will reduce adding useless calories into your body and your liver does not have to work overtime.

Remember, you need a combination of exercise routine and good eating habits to bring your weight down.

2) Become a Better Person- How?
"Become more Patient, Courteous and Friendly"? Say "Hello" to your neighbours. Say "I love you" to your Boyfriend /Girlfriend /Husband /Wife /Children /Parents. "Have a more Positive Outlook of Life"? Analyse your thoughts and actions. Ask yourself..."Am I a Good Person"? Yes....Really? Be honest. Ask yourself -"Am I a Good Husband, Son, Father, Colleague, a friend"? Everybody has weaknesses so everybody has to work at becoming a better person.

3) Save more and Invest more-What are you going to do to achieve this goal? Save 10 to 15% or more of your salary. You must be deciplined about it. Learn to invest by reading books and attending talks. Always make informed decisions so that you protect your hard earned money. Find a good financial adviser who can guide you. Set a retirement fund so that you can look after yourself when you are in your 60s and 70s. Don't wait till you are 50 to start the retirement fund. Don't live on credit. Pay all your bills on time. The interets on credit card balances are high and they are not to be taken lightly. As long as you live within your means you can save quite a bit.

4) Be more Charitable- Look around the house. You probably have things that you have bought but never used. The extra pairs of shoes, handbag, golf clubs, toys for your kids, clothes, foodstuff, etc. If you can donate a share of your income someone else can benefit from your kindness.

Look at the football players in England. The likes of Joey Barton, Wayne Rooney, David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerad, Frank Lampard, Ronaldo, etc are earning about Singapore $300,000 a week. Do they need that kind money? No. They are good players but are they worth that much? No. What do they do? Buy 5 or 10 cars worth about S$150,000 each or more. Live in a palaces. Some of them organise parties that for football groupies so that they can take advantage of them and vice-versa. Is this really necessary? There is more than enough to go around only if can share some of our wealth around instead of being wasteful. My personal role model is Kaka of AC Milan and Brazil. He is good example of good football player and a man with a good heart.

5) Other Resolutions- Stop Whining, Be more Confident, Learn Speed Reading, Learn Another Language like French or Italian, Improve your Value in the Company, Clean up the House, and the list goes on.

Important thing about "Resolutions" is that you write them down and be diciplined about it. Tell your friends and family to help you. You may not achieve all your resolutions in 2008 but if you priortise and work at it you will have a pretty good chance of achieving some of them.

Good Luck!


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