Brainy Quote

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Adversity....Face It!

Hi Friends,

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."

Lou Holtz , from Brainy Quotes

When you are faced with "Adversity", you can either swim or sink. The choice is yours.

I was watching the "History Channel" and I listened to this lady in the United States who had to single handedly bring up her four children when her husband was captured as a "Prisoner-of-War" (POW). She managed to bring up the kids single handedly until her husband came back 7 years later. The husband coming back created its own set of problems because she had been the "boss" while he had gone to fight the Vietnam War, but the point is that she managed without him.

There are more motivational stories, you just need to read magazines like Reader's Digest which is one my favourite magazine- .

The point is that if you give up easily then nobody can help you. But if you analyse your problem without getting paralysed by it, and you focus on finding a solution, you will find an answer or somebody or some organization will be able to assist you. There are a lot of kind people in this world. You just need to open your mouth and ask.

If you do not believe me, put this idea to the test.... the next time you go shopping (except in BIG Departmental Stores where they have "SALE" or DISCOUNT") just open your mouth and ask for a discount or ask for a "value add" - basically if they do not give discount, you ask for a freebie for example, a free item like a free drink or free bag or golf balls, free cap. You may get a discount or a free product in addition to your main purchase. The worse that could happen is you may get a "no" which does not leave you any worse. At least you tried. The more you practice this the better you will become at asking. And you can use it for any circumstances even asking for a date.

Likewise, when you are faced with an adversity, ask for help from friends, colleagues, experts, organizations, your Member of Parliament or your Mayor, etc. All you need to do is ask, and ask and ask until you get an answer. Your persistance will pay off eventually.

I believe in the "Never Say Die" attitude.

Good Luck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it. Good article.