Brainy Quote

Monday, March 17, 2008

Save The Earth

We are all neighbours in this world whether we accept it or not. We only separated by distance. This world we live in is our home. Hence, what each one of us does in some ways affects others indirectly without us realising it. Pollution has been a major problem since "Industrial Revolution" and it has been exacerbated by technological advancement. Though technology attempts to curb or reduce pollution, the problem seems to far outstrip progress made through technology.

The reason for this is, we are far more concerned about our selfish needs that that we ignore the environment. We want fast cars, we want to travel around the world, we smoke, we do not recycle things, we waste paper by photocopying unnecessary stuff, we waste electricity & water, we buy clothes, shoes, etc., that we do not require, and the list goes on. And this writer is also guilty of some of these things.

Our weather system has also gone out of control. The recent snow storm in China where many could even make back to their hometown for Chinese New Year. In Singapore, there has been unusual period of rainy weather in March when usually it is in November and December when it used to be rainy. Malaysia had unusually high volume of rain that caused huge amount of damage and displaced thousands from their homes. In some parts of Australia, the weather has been so hot it has been causing large bush fires. These are just some minor examples of chaotic weather which is caused by our irresponsible action through the years.

So what can we do?

1) Each one has to take responsibility for our actions. It is up to each one us to make the difference. Governments can only do so much and some governments in the name of National interests refused to sign the "Kyoto Agreement" (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

2) Recycle things. It can be plastic bags, bottles, printed paper, clothes, shoes, CDs, laptops & PCs, etc. Somebody may have a use for it. There are more and more places with recycling bins. Use them.

There organizations such as "Salvation Army" that collect used things if you don't want them. If you have no use for shoes, clothes, toys, etc let somebody else have it. You will make them happy and you will save the environment as the item is being used rather than destroyed which adds to the pollution.

You can bring your own marketing bags when you go supermarket shopping. Many of us can down the use of plastic bags significantly. Make recycling a way of life.

3) Leave your car and take public transport such as buses and trains whenever you can. With oil prices sky rocketing it will save you a lot of money by traveling by public transport. Moreover, it gets frustrating to drive as our roads have traffic jam almost every day. If we can reduce energy consumption we can significantly reduce "Green House Gas" (GHG) emissions.

4) Teach your children the virtues of recycling and about saving the environment. You have to set a good example before you can expect others to follow and children are the best people to start with as they are our future.

"Ms Edna LeShan, a legendary American Psychologist and author of over 20 books on parenting, once made a statement that has now become famous: “The only way to raise a decent human being is being one.”

Children learn by observation and imitation, so a parent’s actions, values, beliefs and expressions slowly become a part of the child’s too."

(From Mind Your Body page 16, Oct 17 2007)

5) Increase the temperature of the air con to between 22 to 25 degree in your home and office and you will save quite a bit of money. I am sure we have worked in offices where we had to wear two of three layers of clothes. This affects productivity of staff with such work environment. The money that is saved by the company can be given away as bonus for staff.

6) Find and use new sources of cleaner energy such as Solar Power, Wind, Water (steam), etc.

Remember, if we all can work together and do our part, we can make a difference. We will have cleaner air to breathe, fall sick less often, have more predictable weather (as opposed to freakish weather), more savings, and a better place for us to live in for ourselves and the future generation.

Save Mother Earth!

Warmest regards,

Mark Fernandez.


Anonymous said...

Save Mother Earth! If not for us at least ofr our kids kids....

Unknown said...

Just look around and see the devastation that is taking place. Mark you have hit the nail on the head. Lip service is not going to help. We all need to make a collective effort to Save The Earth!


Unknown said...

What do we do when our kids fall ill? Help them get better. What do we do when our home is under threat? Protect it of course.

Unfortunately, protecting our planet is only happening in some quarters, by some individuals but not a collective action. It takes 80% of the population today to save 20% of the population tomorrow, but currently it's the other way round.

I believe that every little thing counts. Like you said, education, awareness, commitment. But once in a while, we all need to do something huge. Like go out and help an environmental organization meet its goals through funding, voluntary actions or organizing pro-planet activities in school and offices.

Anonymous said...

Yoi Shan, not driving is hard man...but I doing without my aircon at home, btw, you ex-president of USA ? Boon