Brainy Quote

Sunday, August 14, 2011

UK Riots! Why?

Hi Friends,

Like many of us, I am shocked by the events that have been happening in United Kingdom. What started out as a protest against the police in Tottenham has spiraled into full fledged riots throughout UK. Why? There are pockets of thugs and gangs that are responsible for this but how can people who know that stealing and fighting are wrong do the very things society opposes. What is worse is that the children millionaires and people holding important jobs such as teaching, who may have nothing to complain about have taken part in these riots.

I put the blame squarely on Parents for poor upbringing. This is a continuation of my previous blog about being good parents and bringing up good children. Society's core values such as speaking the truth-HONESTY, helping your fellow human beings-KINDNESS, not harming others including animals-NON-VIOLENCE, thou shall not be greedy-SHARE , etc are lost because  of selfish acts by the rioters for their own needs and myopic reasoning. Just because you do not have an iPhone or iPad you do not go and steal it. The right way is to work, earn,save and buy it. A Supermarket lost more than $200,000 worth of stock due to looting. I can't understand why David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister wants to cut the police force by 16,000 officers. Didn't his mother or teacher tell him the story about how the mice come out to play when the cat is away?

Why has society forgotten what is right and what is wrong? (I am generalizing....there are GOOD PEOPLE and God Bless them). Because everyone has become self-centred including parents. Everyone is busy trying build a good life. We forget what is important and what is right and wrong. We will justify our actions with twisted logic and get try to get away with murder.

Back to the UK riots....what are these people trying to do? Have they right a wrong? NO. In fact, they have created more damage. If they did not have a job now, they can forget about getting a job for the next few years because of the turmoil in the world economy. The UK economy which is not out of the woods, will suffer because of the riots. Tourism will fall, investments will dwindle, the UK government will need to divert resources- money & manpower to control the riots. The London Olympics will suffer and that is supposed to boost the UK economics. The English Premier League is also affected by the riots with a number matches were supposed to be postponed but luckily the police managed to quell the riots.In the end everybody suffers.

The riots have made a bad situation worse. People today do the stupidest things to get famous or infamous in most cases. I feel like starting the "STOP THE IDIOTS MOVEMENT". But then again, these are idiots, only god can save them. I wish the idiots behind the riot will realize this and hopefully change their ways.I will save my energy to help those who really need help.Two goods things came out of this riots if you can classify it "Good". One, you now know that there are idiots and mostly kids who need some kind of attention and education to rehabilitate them back to mainstream of society. All of us need to chip in to help them any way we can. One or two parents turned in their own children to the police because they were appalled by the children's actions. Secondly, it united people on the other side of the fence...THE GOOD GUYS/GALS to fend off these morons. Hopefully, we can bring these BAD GUYS back from the dark side.

The world is going through a tough time with the US downgrade by Standard and Poors (S n P) and the stock markets getting hit across the world. Billions of dollars were lost. Economies will suffer and companies will fold up. So, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves and our country to get out this situation.

I hope we will all learn from this unfortunate incident and learn. It all starts with good parenting.Children need good foundation to become responsible citizens. If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child. I am not telling you to become "TIGER MUM or DAD". Children need to learn to respect authority and respect others.

Love All, Serve All! Love Yourself and Respect Your fellow human beings.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Become a Better Parent & Bring Up Good Children!

Hi All,

I was having dinner with my primary school friends two weeks ago. We were reminiscing about how time has flown. In that time, we have seen the good and the bad amongst our friends. Most have done so well but a few have fallen wayward.

We started talking about how we have mellowed over the years and how the younger generation has a tougher time dealing with issues with all kinds of influence from Media and the Internet.We realized that our parents had given us a strong foundation. Even when some amongst us went wayward, we managed to bring ourselves back to the right path and redeem ourselves to a large extent.

It is not the case for youngsters today. They are dependent very much on themselves because they want to be independent, both parents are working, they hang out with friends more (sometimes with the wrong crowd), the influence of the Internet and television, all play a part to weaken the foundation.

It is up to these individuals to take charge of their lives at a young age so that they have a better future. It is my humble opinion that parents need to guide their children up to the age of 18 or in some cases till they are stable in their career which can be till 25 or even 30. But parents must start to pay attention to the children from a very young age not when they start rebelling.By then it will be too late.

Children are looking for guidance from parents. If they don't get it from parents, then they will turn to their friends and anybody who is willing to spend time with them and they may even turn to the Internet. This how parents lose control of their children. Shower them with love when they are young but don't spoil them or spoon feed them. They need to learn to do stuff for themselves with your guidance. That way they learn quickly. Parents need to learn to be good parents. Good parents will eventually bring up good children.

Simple Rules in Life:
-If you cannot help others then do not harm others. 
-No amount of help is small, so don't be shy. JUST HELP!
-Do not harm animals.
-If you find something give it back to the rightful owner. One day, when you lose something precious you will find it back without much effort.
-VOLUNTEER - your time and skill maybe needed by some charitable organization.
-Always strife to be a better person than you already are. We all need to grow as a person.
-Show love to every person who crosses your path. This world will be a much better place to live in if there is less hate and more love.

Love All, Serve All!

Best Wishes,