Brainy Quote

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Be An Awesome Person!

Dear Friends,

I recently watched a YouTube Video by a 9 year old boy who is on a mission to make this world a better place. He is so adorable and has a really infectious laughter. I was touched by his message of spreading goodwill. Meet "Kid President"- Robert Novak. I also like the fact that he likes to dance. So do I. When you dance you are in a happy state so keep dancing.

What makes his mission so special is because he has a brittle bone syndrome and he has broken his bones more than 60 times. It would have dampened the spirit of an adult. But this boy just keeps going on and on and on.

There are more videos you can watch on YouTube by the Kid President.

Be Awesome to Someone Today:

1) Smile at someone or make someone smile by telling a joke.

2) Buy someone a simple but meaningful present like a cupcake or a pen with their name engraved.

3) Help you mother or father with the housework.

4) Send a card to someone (not an email). The personal touch makes the difference.

5) Cook for your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend.

6) Visit someone you has been important in your life like your parents or grandparents or teacher, etc.

7) Remember somebody's birthday.

8) Visit a sick person in the hospital or old folks home.

9) Read a book to a child.

10) Buy groceries for a dis-advantaged family.

You can add on the to the list above or create your own list and make someone's day awesome. I wish all kids will watch this boy's video and see his enthusiastic spirit and positive attitude. And hopefully, they can follow his example.A lot of adults also need to learn from this kid. If we all tried to do what this kid is doing this world will be a much better place.

I am a big fan of the Kid President. I will vote for him.

Have an Awesome Day!
