Brainy Quote

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas & New Year Gifts- Season of Giving

Hi Friends,

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner. It is the Season of Giving. Time to buy Gifts for friends and family. It is nice to receive gifts but it also nice to give as well. More importantly please do not buy useless gift in bulk and pass it off as Christmas Gifts. They say that it is the thought that counts but buying things in bulk is not putting any thought at all. It is the easy and insincere way out.

I liked it when company's encouraged to pick a staff's name from a basket of names and you buy a gift for that staff....something that one person would like and cherish. There are a lot of things you can buy. Here are some ideas to help you.

1) CDs- for about S$15-S$20
2) Latest Novels- S$12-S$25
3) Pen (Personalized) -S$20
4) Headphones -S$30-S$200
5) Box of Chocolate-S$10-S$30
6) Perfume- S$60 (only if you know them well)
7) Tie (for Guys)-S$50
8) Misc Books-The Idea Book-

If you are buying for family, then I think you should spend  a lot more because family will always be there no matter what happens. Your friends may forget you but your family will be there for you even if you have been insensitive or neglecting them because you know they will always be there,

1) Gift Voucher -S$50-S$100
2) iPad- S$500-S$1,000
3) Holiday Gift Voucher (if they have been planning for a trip surprise them)
4) Messenger Bag-S$50-S$500
5) Instant Digital Camera-S$180-S$300
6) Handbag -S$90-SS$500
7) Leather Watch Case-S$60-S$150
8) Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1"-S$800
9) Children's Toys -Transformers S$30-S$150
10) Children's Toys- Brain Quest -S$18
11) Children's Toys- Sports Apparel, Accessories, etc

Shop early to avoid crowds at shopping malls. Give some thought before you buy someone a gift. It will be worth your while.

And please do not forget the less fortunate. Please support Boys Brigade or World Vision or any other organization of your choice.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God Bless!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Sponsor a World Vision Child

Dear Friends,

I was at a World Vision event recently and I heard a personal testimony of a real-life survivor who has overcome extreme hunger through Child Sponsorship. Getacher Beyene survived the 1984 Ethiopian Famine. Today, 30 years on, he educates new generations as a school teacher. He and his family survived the disaster thanks to World Vision. He was at the event as part of World Vision efforts to recognize and thank "Child Sponsors". 

World Vision has child sponsorship programs around the world. NGOs like World Vision play a major role in helping millions of people around the world. Ethiopia today is a different place thanks  to organizations such as World Vision and other NGOs. There is another disaster brewing in the Horn of Africa in Somalia.

What can you as a individual  do to help? We all want to help and there are millions of children who are living in poverty. The emcee at the event said something that was poignant. All you have to do is sow one seed at a time. You can make a difference. If each one of us can sponsor a child for S$45 a month with World Vision. You will pay for the child's upkeep and education. In one year you will only spend about S$540 for this program. Some of us spend money on useless things (the 20th handbag, shoes, or useless gadgets). We can share that money with a child who has no food, no clothes, no healthcare benefits, etc.Lets think about someone else for a change instead of ourselves.

Start today. You sow a seed and watch it grow. Soon you may want to help others. It feels good to know that your contribution has helped child not only survive but also succeed in life. You can help prevent the child from dying because of lack of food or health benefits and provide for some form of education which will help the child to grow and find a job and keep them from becoming a bum or drug addict or robber or a terrorist.

Go to World Vision website

Mother Teresa said, if you can't feed many then just feed one.

Just do your part to make this world a better place as Michael Jackson said. God Bless!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Commitment of Sylvester Stallone- Motivational Story

Dear Friends,
I received this story about Sylvester Stallone via email. What a story. I have been a BIG-FAN of Sylvester Stallone since Rocky and Rambo. I agree his acting needs to improve a lot but he does not claim to be Sean Connery or Sir Anthony Hopkins or Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig aka James Bond. What I like about him is that he keeps at it despite all the criticism and bad reviews about his movies. But who has the last laugh......Stallone. His critics can say what they want. Stallone makes the movies that his fans and those who want simple story-line with mind blowing action entertained.

And Dog Lovers will like this story as well.

I hope this story will inspire anyone who is down and out.....never give up?
The Commitment Of Sylvester Stallone
"Surely, one of the best examples of the power of commitment and how ‘doing whatever it takes will get you what you want’ is the story of Sylvester Stallone. At his peak, Stallone was one of the most popular and highly paid stars in Hollywood, commanding a fee of US$20 million per movie. was he just born under a lucky star? Was he naturally talented actor? Was he at the right place at the right? Hardly. He was someone who seemed to have all the odds stacked up against him.
His family was so poor that his mother had to give birth to him on the doorsteps of a school. A blotched delivery by students caused a facial nerve to be severed, leaving him paralyzed on the right side of his face. As a result, Stallone had to live the rest of his life with slurred speech. He even had to deal with having drooping lower lip and being made fun of because of his name ‘Sylvester’ (associated with the Looney Tunes cat). Despite all these limitations, young Stallone dreamed of becoming an actor and inspiring millions of people through his movies.
First he enrolled in acting school and then started going for auditions. Predictably, with his wooden acting, his dopey looks and his slurred speech, Stallone was rejected for every part he applied for. But he never give up. Doggedly he just kept changing his strategy and taking action. The way he landed his first part is a fine example of how he was willing to do whatever it took. When he was rejected after yet another audition, he pulled up a chair in front of the manager’s office and sat down, refusing to leave unless they gave him a chance. After sitting there for hours, they were so moved by how much he wanted a chance that they relented and gave him a part. Although he appeared for a couple of minutes (as an extra), it gave him the first breakthrough he was after.
Unfortunately, that experience was followed by yet another string of unsuccessful attempts at getting another acting job. At that point, his wife told him to give up his ’stupid dream’ and get a real job. His reply was, ‘If i get another job, I would lose the only thing I have got going for me… my hunger.’ ‘By quitting and getting a job, I would be selling out on my dream’. Stallone actually wound up so broke and desperate that he was force to sell his dog for $50 in order to survive. It was the saddest moment in his life because his dog was the one friend he god left.
At the lowest point in his life, he watch a boxing match between the world heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali and Chuck Wepner, an underdog that everyone thought would be defeated within three rounds. What no one expected was Wepner’s determination and tenacity. He lasted the total of fifteen rounds with Ali, just refusing to go down. Sly was so inspired by what he saw that he had visions in his head about a movie that he was going to write. He started writing profusely for 84hours non-stop until he finished the manuscript for ‘Rocky’. He was so excited by the script because in his mind he knew that this was going to be the movie that would change his life and his fortune.
But when he went round attempting to sell his script, everyone felt that it was too predictable and that nobody would be interested in watching a movie about boxing. But he didn’t give up. He kept on going and going until one company made him an offer of US$75,000 for the script and the right to make the movie. This should have made Sly overjoyed but his dream was to be an actor and not a writer.
So, he told them that the condition of sale was that he be cast as the lead actor. They objected saying ‘You’re a writer! You not an actor!’. ‘There is no way we will let you act!’ But Sly stood his ground and refused to sell the script if he wasn’t the lead actor. They then increase their offer to US$255,000 up to US$1 million, but Sly kept insisting that he fitted the role of ‘Rocky’, and no one else. Although he was broke and hungry, he refused to sell out his dream for a six-figure pay check. That was his level of commitment.
Eventually, they reluctantly agreed, on the condition that the movie was made on a shoe string budget of less than a million dollars and Stallone would get only US$35,000 for the writing, and acting. Sly would however, get the percentage of the profits, if the movie made money. He agreed immediately. The first thing Sly did when he got his money was to go in search of the man who bought his dog to buy it back. When he finally tracked down the man, he offered to buy his dog back for US$100. The man declined his offer saying that he was not interested. Sly upped his offer to US$500. Still the man refused. Sly again upped his offer, this time to US$1,000. The man still would not budge saying ‘No amount of money will ever convince me to sell this dog.’
While most of us would give up at this point, Sly knew that if he was committed to do whatever it takes, he would find a way. Eventually, he did get his dog back. He paid the man a whopping of US$15,000 and also gave him a part in the movie as part of the deal. When Rocky was launched at the box office, it grossed over US$171 million and was nominated for ten academy awards (including best actor), eventually winning an Oscar for best Picture and Best Director. Sylvester instantly shot to fame as an action star and lucrative offers came in for future blockbusters, which were to eventuate in First Blood, Rambo and the Rocky sequels. His eventual success came from the fact that to him, becoming an actor was truly a must.

Sylvester Stallone believed that when you are committed enough, there is always a way! So start by asking yourself now, are you committed enough to be a Millionaire?"

Are you inspired to take action? Just do it!


Monday, October 3, 2011

The NESCAFE Account

I received this via email. Funny! Enjoy!

The top marketing director of Nescafe manages to arrange a meeting with the Pope at the Vatican.

Nescafe official, 'Your Eminence, I have some business to discuss. We at Nescafe have an offer for you. Nescafe is prepared to donate $100 million to the church if you change the Lord's Prayer from 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily coffee'."

The Pope looks outraged and thunders, "That is impossible. The Prayer is the word of the Lord, It must not be changed."

"Well," says the Nescafe man somewhat chastened, "We anticipated your reluctance. For this reason, and the importance of the Lord's prayer to all Catholics, we will increase our offer to $300 million. All we require is that you change the Lord's Prayer from 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily coffee'."

Again, even more sternly, the Pope replies, "That, my son, is impossible. For the prayer is the word of the Lord and it must not be changed."

Finally, the Nescafe director says, "Your Holiness, we at Nescafe respect your adherence to your faith, we realize that tradition is essential to your beliefs, we fully understand the importance of the word of the Lord but we do have one final offer. Please discuss it with your cardinals. We will donate $500 million."

The next day the Pope convenes the College of Cardinals. "There is some Good news," he announces, "and some bad news..... The good news is, he continues to a hushed assembly, that the Church will get $500 million."

"And what is the bad news, your Holiness?" asks a Cardinal.

"Sadly" says the Pope, "We would have to lose the Gardenia Account."
Give me a sense of humor. Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke, to get some humor out of life, and pass it on to other folks.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Movies To Watch

Hi Friends,

How have you been? I hope you like to watch movies. Here are two movies you should watch. This is not a review of the movies but my take on why I like it and you may like it too.Once is on a more serious note. After watching that you may need to bring your blood pressure down. So watch the second movie. It is therapeutic.

1) Inside Job
This is more of a documentary is directed by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon. How I would describe this movie in two words is -SHOCKING and ANGRY! How greed and incompetencies of Banking Execs and Government Officials has brought the world financial system to its knees. How politics overrides logic....How the very people who created the problems become the solution providers in the US Government and get paid millions if not billions for their stupid acts..... How the rich get richer and the poor get left behind to deal with the mess created by unscrupulous individual protecting their own turf at any cost.

You should watch this movie to understand how the US financial system and policies work and how greed and cavalier behavior of the US Banks and certain individuals in big corporations created the current problems. What you may have read or seen is just the tip of the iceberg. The movie gives you the lowdown.

Lesson learned- Question the Government's policies. Similarly, the banks and their salary policies for their staff. Their staff get paid millions of dollars for losing our money. Why should they get millions of dollars for investing our money. That's their job and customers of the bank and the shareholders should get the profits.

We as individuals can help our own cause by being aware of the nonsense that is going on. Do not borrow if you cannot afford to pay back or you do not need a loan.Don't invest in anything you don't understand. Just listen to the world's best investor- Warren Buffet. Believe me when I say, even the banks do not know what they are selling. Look at what happened to Lehman Brothers. You need to SAVE money for your own future, spend within your means and diversify your investments and do not get swayed easily by anyone who tries to "sweet-talk" you into doing something that is not right and has only short term benefits.

2) Eat, Pray, Love
Lovely movie. I will probably watch it again. One of my favorite actress "Pretty Women"- Julia Roberts. If the Inside Job made you angry, then this movie will make you feel good. It will make you think about your own situation. Analyze your own life as you watch the movie or after you watch the movie to see if you are on the right track or if you need to make adjustments to make things right.

I quite like her travel to Italy and the movie made me want to eat pasta and pizza.I like her travel to India to reflect on her life. And I liked the Meditation- to control your mind so that you can control your destiny to a certain extent.

The movie tells you to enjoy life, find a balance and meditate. You need to have the courage to face reality and take action so that you can find the life you want to live- be it relationship, work, friends or any other issues. You can choose to moan and groan or take charge of your life.

Enjoy and let me know what you think of these two movies.



Sunday, August 14, 2011

UK Riots! Why?

Hi Friends,

Like many of us, I am shocked by the events that have been happening in United Kingdom. What started out as a protest against the police in Tottenham has spiraled into full fledged riots throughout UK. Why? There are pockets of thugs and gangs that are responsible for this but how can people who know that stealing and fighting are wrong do the very things society opposes. What is worse is that the children millionaires and people holding important jobs such as teaching, who may have nothing to complain about have taken part in these riots.

I put the blame squarely on Parents for poor upbringing. This is a continuation of my previous blog about being good parents and bringing up good children. Society's core values such as speaking the truth-HONESTY, helping your fellow human beings-KINDNESS, not harming others including animals-NON-VIOLENCE, thou shall not be greedy-SHARE , etc are lost because  of selfish acts by the rioters for their own needs and myopic reasoning. Just because you do not have an iPhone or iPad you do not go and steal it. The right way is to work, earn,save and buy it. A Supermarket lost more than $200,000 worth of stock due to looting. I can't understand why David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister wants to cut the police force by 16,000 officers. Didn't his mother or teacher tell him the story about how the mice come out to play when the cat is away?

Why has society forgotten what is right and what is wrong? (I am generalizing....there are GOOD PEOPLE and God Bless them). Because everyone has become self-centred including parents. Everyone is busy trying build a good life. We forget what is important and what is right and wrong. We will justify our actions with twisted logic and get try to get away with murder.

Back to the UK riots....what are these people trying to do? Have they right a wrong? NO. In fact, they have created more damage. If they did not have a job now, they can forget about getting a job for the next few years because of the turmoil in the world economy. The UK economy which is not out of the woods, will suffer because of the riots. Tourism will fall, investments will dwindle, the UK government will need to divert resources- money & manpower to control the riots. The London Olympics will suffer and that is supposed to boost the UK economics. The English Premier League is also affected by the riots with a number matches were supposed to be postponed but luckily the police managed to quell the riots.In the end everybody suffers.

The riots have made a bad situation worse. People today do the stupidest things to get famous or infamous in most cases. I feel like starting the "STOP THE IDIOTS MOVEMENT". But then again, these are idiots, only god can save them. I wish the idiots behind the riot will realize this and hopefully change their ways.I will save my energy to help those who really need help.Two goods things came out of this riots if you can classify it "Good". One, you now know that there are idiots and mostly kids who need some kind of attention and education to rehabilitate them back to mainstream of society. All of us need to chip in to help them any way we can. One or two parents turned in their own children to the police because they were appalled by the children's actions. Secondly, it united people on the other side of the fence...THE GOOD GUYS/GALS to fend off these morons. Hopefully, we can bring these BAD GUYS back from the dark side.

The world is going through a tough time with the US downgrade by Standard and Poors (S n P) and the stock markets getting hit across the world. Billions of dollars were lost. Economies will suffer and companies will fold up. So, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves and our country to get out this situation.

I hope we will all learn from this unfortunate incident and learn. It all starts with good parenting.Children need good foundation to become responsible citizens. If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child. I am not telling you to become "TIGER MUM or DAD". Children need to learn to respect authority and respect others.

Love All, Serve All! Love Yourself and Respect Your fellow human beings.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Become a Better Parent & Bring Up Good Children!

Hi All,

I was having dinner with my primary school friends two weeks ago. We were reminiscing about how time has flown. In that time, we have seen the good and the bad amongst our friends. Most have done so well but a few have fallen wayward.

We started talking about how we have mellowed over the years and how the younger generation has a tougher time dealing with issues with all kinds of influence from Media and the Internet.We realized that our parents had given us a strong foundation. Even when some amongst us went wayward, we managed to bring ourselves back to the right path and redeem ourselves to a large extent.

It is not the case for youngsters today. They are dependent very much on themselves because they want to be independent, both parents are working, they hang out with friends more (sometimes with the wrong crowd), the influence of the Internet and television, all play a part to weaken the foundation.

It is up to these individuals to take charge of their lives at a young age so that they have a better future. It is my humble opinion that parents need to guide their children up to the age of 18 or in some cases till they are stable in their career which can be till 25 or even 30. But parents must start to pay attention to the children from a very young age not when they start rebelling.By then it will be too late.

Children are looking for guidance from parents. If they don't get it from parents, then they will turn to their friends and anybody who is willing to spend time with them and they may even turn to the Internet. This how parents lose control of their children. Shower them with love when they are young but don't spoil them or spoon feed them. They need to learn to do stuff for themselves with your guidance. That way they learn quickly. Parents need to learn to be good parents. Good parents will eventually bring up good children.

Simple Rules in Life:
-If you cannot help others then do not harm others. 
-No amount of help is small, so don't be shy. JUST HELP!
-Do not harm animals.
-If you find something give it back to the rightful owner. One day, when you lose something precious you will find it back without much effort.
-VOLUNTEER - your time and skill maybe needed by some charitable organization.
-Always strife to be a better person than you already are. We all need to grow as a person.
-Show love to every person who crosses your path. This world will be a much better place to live in if there is less hate and more love.

Love All, Serve All!

Best Wishes,

Friday, June 24, 2011

I love u my dearest father.....

Dear All,

My cousin sent me this from Australia via email. It was such a touching story it made me cry. Many of us do not realize how blessed we are parents and siblings who care about us. Most parents work hard and save their money so that they can make sure their children have a good life and a good future by making them study and get a good job. How do we pay our parents back. We only think about our selfish needs and take things for granted. Some even go to the extent of taking everything that their parents own. Some, once they get married, they forget about the sacrifices that their parents made. Instead, they listen to their wives or husbands and ignore their parents. Hopefully, this story will change your mind and the way you treat your parents.

"My dad only had one eye. I hated him... He was such an embarrassment. He cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my dad came to say hello to me. I was so embarrassed.

How could he do this to me? I ignored him, threw him a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your dad only has one eye!". I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my dad to just disappear. I confronted him that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die?"

My dad did not respond....

I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to his feelings. I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with him. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts.

Then one day, my father came to visit me. He hadn't seen me in years and he didn't even meet his Grandchildren. When he stood by the door, my children laughed at him, and I yelled at Him for coming over uninvited. I screamed at him, "How dare you come to my house and scare my Children!"GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"

And to this, my father quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address," And he disappeared out of sight.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity. My neighbors said that he died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that he had wanted me to have.

"My dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.
I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were Growing up you see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye.
As a father, I couldn't stand watching you. Having to grow up with one eye so I gave you mine. I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.

With all my love to you,
Your father.

Always tell someone you care that you love them because you never know what day will be their last, or your own.

Always seek to resolve your problems or disagreements with loved ones because if either of you should pass on before, the one who is left alive will have the rest of their life to ponder those unresolved feelings but will never find closure. And closure usually brings Peace... ."

Love All, Serve All. God Bless our Parents! Happy Belated Father's Day!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Remove the Clutter n Save Money!

Dear Friends,

I recently sold off my house and I had about one month plus to vacate the whole house. I did not realize how much of clutter I had in my house. I am a hoarder by nature as well as a sentimental guy. I had kept Birthday cards given by friends, I kept souvenirs I bought from my trips, and also tried to have a collection of toys which I thought might become a collectors item. I even kept almost all my essays which I wrote in University as well as my text books. Plus, I liked the idea of having library in my house. But I had no quality control. I kept the books that were outdated. And I bought numerous booked which I bought but never read and some even unwrapped. What a utter waste of money. There were clothes that I bought which were never used or used only a few times. Of course I had my favorites which I have kept for more than 15 years like the t-shirt from Hawaii and I kept using them over and over again. 

My wife and I were frustrated at the amount of things we had to throw away. Actually, it was more me than my wife who was sad for having to throw away the things even though I may never ever use them..  We realized how much money we could have saved if we had reduced the clutter by not buying more things until you need it.By not buying things unless you need them, you can see what you have without having to keep buying more of the same stuff like books and clothes. I had two copies of Robert Kiyosaki's "Retire Young, Retire Rich" worth a total of S$40. Guess who got Richer?

If you have not used something more than 6 months, most likely you may not have any use for it. Throw it away or if it can be used by someone else, recycle it by passing it on to others or giving it away to Salvation Army. If you have babies clothes then pass it to friends who have new babies. Babies clothes are expensive to buy and you can save a ton of money by using "used" clothes some of which may be new. Babies need bigger sized clothes every 3 to six months. Do not waste money new and expensive clothes.Give away books to those who like to read books.There are many organizations like Churches and World Vision who collect books and toys to be sent overseas for orphanages. Try to do a monthly, quarterly or 6 monthly "Spring Cleaning" so that you can get rid of unwanted things on a regular basis rather than doing it like when you are moving house.

Remove Clutter! Recycle usable things! Buy only what you need and save money! You will probably be able to pay for a holiday somewhere. :-)


Friday, May 20, 2011

16 Ways Con Artists Target Travelers

Hi Friends,

This was sent to me via email....interesting and something which everyone who intends to travel need to know.

16 Ways Con Artists Target Travelers
By Mark Orwoll
The Newspaper Attack
Where: Rome

The Scam: A group of gypsy children surrounds you, waving newspapers in your face. The papers are merely to confuse you and block your view as the youths reach into your pocket and grab your bag—or anything else they can get their hands on.

Advice: Firmly brush past them and move away quickly—and shout for help if you need it.

The Bus 64 Sting
Where: Rome

The Scam: Bus 64 passes many of Rome ’s most famous historic sights, so it’s hugely popular with tourists—and pickpockets. Working in teams of three or four, the thieves go after wallets, cameras, and other small valuables, usually by causing a disturbance such as slipping on stairs that takes your attention off your belongings. (likewise at Supermarket stairs or elevators)

Advice: Always secure your property and keep it close, especially when traveling on crowded buses and trains.
Duty Free Items
Where: Bangkok

The Scam: As has been reported in the press recently, this crime involves a traveler who is arrested for handling merchandise in the airport duty-free shop. Once in custody, the victim is introduced to a middleman who says he can gain the traveler’s freedom—for a fee. The police, in on the deal, split the payment.

Advice: Don’t touch items in duty-free shops unless you intend to buy them.

The Hot Dog Trick
Where: Airports

The Scam: The perp “accidentally” squirts mustard on you while eating a hot dog (it’s really a tube of mustard in a bun). Full of apologies, he clumsily tries to help clean up the mess while an accomplice walks off with your carry-ons.

Advice: Always place your bags between your legs in a public setting, whether you’re sitting or standing.

The Brass Ring

The Scam: A passerby finds a gold ring on the sidewalk near you and agrees to sell it to you for a ridiculously low sum. You soon discover that the buy of a lifetime is made of brass.

Advice: There are no lost gold rings on the streets of Paris or anywhere else. Just say non.

The Bracelet Scheme
Where: Rome and Paris

The Scam: “Someone, usually quite charming, comes up to you offering directions or sightseeing advice. Suddenly, the person ties a woven bracelet around your wrist in a double knot, then demands payment. If you refuse, he screams that you’re stealing the bracelet,” says Karen Schaler, author of Travel Therapy. Victims are often so unnerved that they end up paying the handful of euros.

Advice: Beware of overly friendly people who approach you on the street offering courtesies you neither want nor need

The Lube Job
Where: East Africa

The Scam: You drive into a small town, and a helpful bystander points out that your wheel bearing is hemorrhaging oil “In fact,” says Lonely Planet Publications cofounder Tony Wheeler, “the bystander has just sloshed a cup of oil onto your wheel, and tells you there’s a garage around the corner that’ll fix your problem.” The garage owner is in on the con, charges an inflated rate, and splits the take with the bystander. (understand they have the same tricks for putting nails on the road in Indonesia )

Advice: Be wary of someone who points out a problem you didn’t know you had, then offers to help you get it fixed.

The Taxi Driver Trick
Where: Istanbul

The Scam: You’re paying a fare with a 50-lira note. The driver drops it on the floor and switches it to a 5-lira bill, which looks very similar. He then argues with you that you’ve shortchanged him.

Advice: If this happens to you, call the police by dialing 0090155 from your U.S. cell phone or 155 from a Turkish phone. The police know this old trick, and the driver stands to lose his license.

The Fake Art Show
Where: Beijing and Shanghai

The Scam: Young and convincing “art students” befriend you on the street and persuade you to visit their school’s gallery, where you find yourself getting a high-pressure sales pitch to buy overpriced, third-rate work being passed off as art.

Advice: Steer clear of anyone in China inviting you to an art show.

The Rip-off Joint

The Scam: Two male travelers in an unfamiliar city meet two pretty young women who invite them to a private room in a bar. When the bill comes, it is hugely inflated. The bartender demands cash (no credit cards, of course), and the doormen tell the travelers to pay up and leave.

Advice: Beware complete strangers who offer to take you to a bar or nightclub.

The Tumbling Woman
Where: London but could happen anywhere.

The Scam: “If there’s a commotion, assume it’s a fake to distract the victim of a pickpocketing or purse snatching,” says travel guru Rick Steves of “For example, someone, usually an elderly looking woman, ‘falls’ down an escalator in the London Underground.”

Advice: “Step back,” says Steves, “and watch your valuables.”

The Gypsy Baby Toss
Italy, Eastern Europe

The Scam: Here’s a variation of the Newspaper Attack, as told by Peter Greenberg, travel editor of CBS News: the victim—usually a single female traveler—is approached by a gypsy woman carrying a baby in a blanket, who tosses the child into the arms of the victim. Cohorts grab the victim’s purse, wallet, camera, and anything else they can snatch amid the confusion. After the crooks run away, the victim discovers that the “baby” is nothing more than a doll.

Advice: Avoid gypsies and beggars on the street, and move away if they try to approach you.

The Snatch and Follow-up Steal

The Scam: As travelers with suitcases wait for a cab, a man rides by on a bicycle, slices the strap of a seemingly random woman’s purse, and rides off with it. As the sympathetic travelers drop their bags to give chase, an accomplice swoops in and attempts to make off with the abandoned booty.

Advice: Hide your valuables—money, passport, and credit cards—in your inner pockets, in a money belt, or anyplace else where they are difficult to grab.

The Missing Cash

The Scam: A pedestrian bumps against you and drops something. “If you pick it up and attempt to return it, you’ll find you’ve got a bagful of banknotes and a bagful of trouble,” says Tony Wheeler. “That’s when the careless cash-dropper accuses you of removing some of the money.” Of course, the bad guy turns out to be willing to forget the whole incident in exchange for a fistful of rubles.

Advice: Don’t be afraid to call someone a crook, loudly, and walk away. Often the last thing they want is for the police to become involved, because the police know about most of these scams already.

The Fake Palace Guides

The Scam: Official-looking guides approach travelers in the streets surrounding Bangkok ’s Grand Palace , away from the main entrance. They’ll tell you, convincingly, that the palace is closed to visitors that morning, but that they’d be happy to take you on a “private tour.”

Advice: Ignore them, and check for yourself at the main gate. “In many countries,” says Anthony Dennis, editor of Travel + Leisure Australia , “it’s usually best to arrange for a certified guide through your hotel”

The Security-Checkpoint Scam
Where: Airports

The Scam: Before you walk through the metal detector at airport security, a person from behind cuts ahead of you. As he tries to walk through the metal scanner, the alarm rings and the line comes to a halt; it turns out he has “forgotten” to remove his keys and loose change. “Meantime,” says Peter Greenberg, “his accomplice has gone through ahead of you and is picking up all your stuff from the conveyor belt and leaving with it.”

Advice: Avoid placing your tray of valuables on the X-ray machine conveyor belt until you are ready to walk through the metal detector, and keep an eye on your belongings as they come out the other side.

Give me a sense of humor. Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke, to get some humor out of life, and pass it on to other folks."

Forward this to your friends especially those who like to travel or those who travel for business. Better to be safe then to be sorry.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend.
*The last line says it all. *

Dear Bertha,

I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the  garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.

I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.

"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now

I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite food was.

I'm guessing; I'll never know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.

Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.

If you received this, it is because someone cares for you. If you're too busy to take the few minutes that it takes right now to forward this, would it be the first time you didn't do the little thing that would make a difference in your relationships? I can tell you it certainly won't be the last.

Take a few minutes to send this to a few people you care about, just to let them know that you're thinking of them.

"People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there."

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance