Brainy Quote

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What are you waiting for?

 ......Take Care of Yourself Now!!!

I was talking to couple of elderly men who are in their 70s and 80s last night. I was impressed by the fact that despite their age they were cheerful and more importantly they are socially active and trying to contribute their share to society. And we youngsters tend to gripe about our lives even though we have a good life.

The elderly men are able to live a fulfilling life because they have an active life and they have a purpose for living. Some of  them enjoy caring for their grandchildren while their children are stressed out at work.

We too ( and I mean those in their 30s, 40s & 50s) can live a similar life at their age if we are able take charge of our lives now. What we do now when you 20 or 30 will have and effect when you 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 years old. If you live a carefree life now, then be prepared for "carefree illness"-heart attack, diabetes, cancer, etc. We are all built genetically different, therefore we all are prone to different types of illness....some more fatal than others unless we take care of ourselves and minimize the effects of growing old.

One important thing to do is to manage your weight. If  you ever feel that your weight creeps up as you grow older, start watching what you eat, exercise more often (at least for half and hour-2x or 3x a week) and rest well. Otherwise, before you know it you will be weighing a 100kg and you will be wondering how did that happen? Be socially active and have hobbies. 

I happen to come across the latest Shape magazine (September 2010) and I was inspired by two women who were grossly overweight but managed to slim down and look fantastic. One of them was Norleena Salim ( Under One Roof). She lost 55kg in 4 years.She works out daily (but you should check with your Doctor on your medical condition before you start working out). Truly Amazing.

I am inspired by the Elderly Men and the two ladies losing weight, to take charge of my life and live it to the fullest.

Stop whining about life and stress. IF THEY CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!


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